Boston Local Development Corporation Fuels Lazy Bear Creamery’s Growth and Community Impact


The Boston Local Development Corporation (BLDC) recently awarded a $100,000 loan to Lazy Bear Creamery, a family-owned and community-loved ice cream parlor. Located at 383 Neponset Ave, Dorchester, Lazy Bear Creamery has been serving up homemade ice cream, including a wide range of flavors, some even dairy-free. This investment not only supports a small, local business but also contributes to the overall growth of the neighborhood.

The Boston Local Development Corporation (BLDC) understands the importance of nurturing and supporting local businesses, and their decision to award Lazy Bear Creamery a $100,000 loan reflects this commitment. By providing funding to local businesses like Lazy Bear Creamery, the BLDC not only stimulates economic growth but also helps to preserve the unique character of Boston neighborhoods.


Local businesses are the lifeblood of any community, and their success contributes to the creation of jobs, the promotion of local talent, and the enhancement of the overall quality of life for residents.

Interested in or know a small business that could use the help of the Boston Local Development Corporation? Check out the process on our website.